Contact & Directions
Fall River Country Club
4232 North Main Street
Fall River,
United States
[email protected]
Take 195 East to Rt. 24 North (Exit 8B). Follow Rt. 24 North to Exit 8 (Airport Rd.). At stop sign, take a left and follow to rotary. Go half way around rotary and bear right on North Main St. Travel approximately 100 yards and take a right onto Golf Club Road (share driveway with Rope Walk Condominiums). Follow down the hill and over the bridge, bear left to the club house.
From Boston and Vicinity:
Take 128 South to Rt. 93 North to Rt. 24 South, or take 495 South to Rt. 24 South. Follow Rt. 24 South to Exit 8. At stop sign, proceed into rotary, do not take immediate right, but proceed approximately 50 ft. and bear right to exit rotary on to North Main St. Travel approximately 100 yards and take a right onto Golf Club Road. Follow down the hill and over the bridge, bear left to the club house.
Surrounding Map Area: